Michelle Lawrence

Video Project

Use the Embed Gizmo to add a video from Kaltura
1. Locate your Kaltura video (https://mymedia.gonzaga.edu) and click on the video you want to share.
2. Locate the share icon in the top right corner of the video, then you will see the embed code to copy

3. Or, scroll beneath the video to see additional sharing options, including

3.  In Foliotek, Select the Gizmo tab in the toolbox when editing and then click on the </> Embed icon
4. Click in the portfolio page content area where you want to place the video
5. Paste the embed code and save
The page will display a place holder when in edit mode - click the Preview options in the top toolbar to see how the live version looks 

Use the Video Gizmo in Foliotek to add videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo (you can also use the embed Gizmo for any hosted videos):


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